Cobalt Discus Fish

Cobalt Discus Fish: A Complete Care Guide for Aquarists

The Cobalt Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus), renowned for its vibrant blue colouration and graceful presence, is a favourite among aquarists seeking to create a stunning and serene aquatic environment. Known as the “King of the Aquarium,” the Cobalt Discus is a striking centrepiece that captivates enthusiasts worldwide. At Only Fins in Staffordshire, we are committed to helping you succeed in caring for this exquisite fish. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about Cobalt Discus, from habitat and dietary needs to tank setup and compatibility, ensuring your aquarium thrives with beauty and harmony.

Overview of the Cobalt Discus Fish

The Cobalt Discus, a member of the cichlid family, originates from the slow-moving, warm waters of the Amazon River basin in South America. These fish are celebrated for their brilliant cobalt-blue hue and circular body shape, making them a standout addition to any aquarium. Typically reaching 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm), Cobalt Discus are social creatures that thrive in groups, showcasing their natural behaviours and intricate social dynamics.

Ideal Tank Setup for Cobalt Discus

Creating the perfect environment for Cobalt Discus is essential for their health and well-being. Mimicking their natural habitat involves careful consideration of tank size, water quality, and aquascaping:

Tank Size: A minimum of 55 gallons is recommended for a small group of Cobalt Discus. Larger tanks are ideal for accommodating additional fish and providing ample swimming space.

Aquascape: Design a planted aquarium with plenty of open swimming areas and hiding spots. Use driftwood, rocks, and live plants like Amazon swords and Anubias to create a natural and serene environment.

Substrate: A fine sand or smooth gravel substrate is preferred, as it mimics the riverbeds of their native habitat and prevents injury.

Water Parameters:

Temperature: 82-88ยฐF (28-31ยฐC)

pH Level: 6.0-7.0

Water Hardness: Soft (1-4 dGH)

Maintaining stable water conditions is crucial, as Cobalt discs are sensitive to fluctuations. Invest in a high-quality filtration system and perform regular water changes to ensure pristine water quality.

Diet and Feeding

Cobalt Discus are omnivorous and require a varied diet to maintain their health, vibrant colouration, and growth. Providing a balanced diet includes:

High-Quality Pellets: Offer specialised discus pellets or flakes as a staple diet.

Frozen and Live Foods: Supplement with frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia to provide essential nutrients.

Vegetables: Occasionally offer blanched vegetables like spinach or peas for added nutrition.

Feed Cobalt Discus small amounts two to three times daily, ensuring they consume the food within a few minutes to prevent overfeeding and maintain water quality.

Social Behavior and Compatibility

Cobalt Discus are generally peaceful and thrive in community tanks with compatible species. They are best kept in groups of 5 or more to encourage natural social behaviours and reduce stress. When selecting tank mates, consider the following:

Suitable Tank Mates: Tetras, Corydoras catfish, angelfish, and other non-aggressive species that thrive in similar water conditions.

Avoid Aggressive or fast-moving species that may stress or outcompete Cobalt Discus for food.

A well-structured environment with ample hiding spots and visual barriers can help reduce territorial disputes and promote harmony in the tank.

Breeding Cobalt Discus

Breeding Cobalt Discus can be a rewarding challenge for aquarists. To encourage breeding, maintain optimal water conditions and provide flat surfaces for spawning, such as broad leaves or breeding cones. Males and females can be identified by their behaviour and subtle physical differences; males are generally larger with more pointed dorsal and anal fins.

Once a pair forms, they clean a spawning site and lay eggs, which the male fertilises. Both parents guard the eggs and tend to the fry, which hatch within 2 to 3 days. Raising the fry requires careful attention to water quality and feeding with infusoria or specially formulated fry food.

Why Choose Only Fins Staffordshire?

At Only Fins Staffordshire, we support aquarists in their journey to care for and breed beautiful species like the Cobalt Discus fish. Our knowledgeable staff can provide expert advice and high-quality products to ensure your aquarium thrives. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced aquarist, we’re here to help you succeed.


The Cobalt Discus fish is a stunning and rewarding addition to any aquarium, offering beauty and elegance. By understanding its specific care requirements and creating a suitable habitat, you can enjoy the company of this captivating fish in your own home. We’re committed to helping you succeed in your aquatic endeavours at Only Fins in Staffordshire. Visit our store or contact us today for all your aquarium needs and expert guidance on caring for your Cobalt Discus.

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