How to breed the Red Spotted Sevrum

How to breed the Red Spotted Sevrum

Breeding Red Spot Severums fish (Heros efasciatus, formerly known as Severum cichlids) can be a rewarding experience but requires attention to detail and providing suitable conditions. Hereโ€™s a general guide on how to breed Red Spot Severums:

Tank Setup for Breeding

  1. Tank Size and Environment:
    • Provide a spacious tank with a minimum size of 50 gallons (about 189 liters) or larger. A larger tank reduces aggression and provides ample space for breeding behavior.
    • Use a substrate of fine gravel or sand. Incorporate rocks, driftwood, and plants (live or artificial) to create hiding spots and territories.
  2. Water Parameters:
    • Red Spot Severums prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. Aim for a pH range of 6.5 to 7.0.
    • Maintain a water temperature between 78-82ยฐF (25-28ยฐC).
    • Ensure excellent water quality with regular partial water changes and efficient filtration.

Pairing and Conditioning

  1. Pair Selection:
    • Introduce a group of young Severums into the tank and allow them to pair naturally. Severums usually pair off when they reach sexual maturity (around 1 year old).
  2. Conditioning:
    • Condition the breeding pair with a varied diet of high-quality cichlid pellets, frozen or live foods (such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, or blackworms), and fresh vegetables.
    • Provide frequent feedings to promote health and readiness for spawning.

Spawning Behavior

  1. Courtship and Nest Preparation:
    • As the pair becomes ready to spawn, they will exhibit courtship behaviors such as swimming together, lip-locking, and cleaning potential spawning sites.
    • Red Spot Severums are substrate spawners, meaning they prefer to lay their eggs on flat surfaces like rocks or broad leaves.
  2. Egg Laying and Fertilization:
    • The female will lay eggs on a cleaned surface, and the male will fertilize them immediately afterward.
    • The number of eggs can vary but can range from a few hundred to over a thousand, depending on the size and condition of the female.
  3. Parental Care:
    • Both parents will guard and care for the eggs. They may fan the eggs with their fins to provide oxygenated water and defend against potential threats.

Fry Care

  1. Hatching and Larval Stage:
    • Eggs typically hatch within 2-3 days, depending on water temperature.
    • Initially, the fry will remain near the spawning site. Once they become free-swimming (around 5-7 days), they will begin to explore and feed on small organisms and microscopic food particles.
  2. Feeding Fry:
    • Offer newly hatched brine shrimp (Artemia nauplii), finely crushed flakes, or commercial fry food to the young Severums multiple times a day.
    • Gradually increase the size and variety of their diet as they grow.
  3. Separation:
    • If keeping the fry in the same tank as adults, ensure there are ample hiding places and consider providing a separate nursery tank to prevent predation.


Breeding Red Spot Severums requires patience and attention to water quality and feeding. Providing a suitable environment, monitoring behavior, and ensuring proper nutrition will increase the likelihood of successful breeding and healthy offspring. With proper care, Red Spot Severums can be prolific breeders, providing future generations of these beautiful cichlids for your aquarium.

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