The Green Phantom Pleco A Guide to Care and Maintenance

The Green Phantom Pleco: A Guide to Care and Maintenance

The Green Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus subviridis), also known as the L200 Pleco, is a stunning freshwater fish that has captured the attention of aquarists worldwide. Known for its vibrant green colouration and unique features, the Green Phantom Pleco is a popular choice for hobbyists looking to add colour and personality to their aquariums. At Only Fins, we’re passionate about helping you understand and care for this captivating species. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Green Phantom Pleco, from its natural habitat to dietary needs, ensuring you can provide the best care for this remarkable fish.

Overview of the Green Phantom Pleco

The Green Phantom Pleco is native to the Orinoco River Basin in Venezuela, inhabiting fast-flowing waters rich in oxygen. This pleco is celebrated for its beautiful green body and bright yellow spots, which create a striking contrast. Typically reaching a size of 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm), the Green Phantom Pleco requires a spacious tank and specific conditions to thrive.

Ideal Tank Setup for the Green Phantom Pleco

Creating an environment that mimics the natural habitat of the Green Phantom Pleco is crucial for its health and well-being. To achieve this, consider the following tank setup guidelines:

Tank Size: A minimum of 50 gallons is recommended to accommodate the pleco’s size and activity level. Larger tanks are ideal, primarily if they are used to house multiple plecos or other fish.

Aquascape: Incorporate plenty of rocks, driftwood, and caves to provide hiding spots and create a natural environment. These elements help reduce stress and offer areas for the pleco to explore.

Substrate: A sandy substrate is ideal, as it closely resembles the riverbeds of their natural habitat and prevents damage to their delicate barbels.

Water Parameters:

Temperature: 75-82ยฐF (24-28ยฐC)

pH Level: 6.5-7.5

Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (5-15 dGH)

Maintaining stable water conditions is essential, as the Green Phantom Pleco is sensitive to fluctuations. A high-quality filtration system and regular water changes are necessary to ensure clean and well-oxygenated water.

Diet and Feeding

The Green Phantom Pleco is primarily an herbivore that consumes protein-based foods. Providing a varied diet is crucial for their health and vibrant colouration. Here’s what you should include in their diet:

Algae Wafers: A staple food that offers essential nutrients for herbivorous plecos.

Vegetables: Blanched zucchini, spinach, and peas are excellent choices that should be offered regularly.

Protein Supplements: Occasional treats like bloodworms, brine shrimp, or high-quality sinking pellets can be provided to supplement their diet.

Feeding should occur in the evening when the pleco is most active. Ensure any uneaten food is removed to maintain water quality.

Social Behavior and Compatibility

The Green Phantom Pleco is generally peaceful and can coexist with various tank mates. However, it’s essential to consider the compatibility of other fish in your aquarium:

Suitable Tank Mates: Tetras, rasboras, dwarf cichlids, and other non-aggressive species.

Avoid Aggressive or territorial species that may harass the pleco or compete for food.

Providing ample hiding spots and sufficient space will help reduce stress and encourage harmonious interactions among your fish.

Breeding the Green Phantom Pleco

Breeding the Green Phantom Pleco in captivity can be challenging but possible with the right conditions. To encourage spawning, maintain optimal water quality and provide plenty of caves for egg-laying. Simulating the rainy season by increasing water changes and lowering the water temperature slightly can help trigger breeding behaviour.

Male plecos guard the eggs until they hatch, typically taking about a week. Raising the fry requires careful attention to water quality and a nutritious diet of finely crushed algae wafers and vegetables.


The Green Phantom Pleco is a remarkable addition to any aquarium, offering beauty and personality. By understanding its specific care requirements and creating a suitable habitat, you can enjoy the company of this captivating fish in your own home. At Only Fins in Staffordshire, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve success in your aquatic endeavours. Visit our store or contact us today for all your aquarium needs and expert guidance on caring for your Green Phantom Pleco.

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