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Tetraodon schoutedeni, commonly known as the Schouteden’s puffer or the humpback puffer, is a species of freshwater pufferfish native to Central Africa. Here’s a summary of its characteristics:
Schouteden’s puffer is named for its distinctive humpback appearance, particularly noticeable in mature males.
It has a rounded body with a protruding forehead and a generally mottled coloration that can range from olive-green to brownish with darker markings.
Their eyes are relatively large, and they have a characteristic sharp beak-like mouth.
These pufferfish are known for their inquisitive and intelligent behavior, often displaying curiosity towards their environment and owners.
They are solitary and can be aggressive towards tankmates, especially smaller fish that they may perceive as prey.
Care Requirements:
Tank Size: Requires a spacious tank due to their size and territorial nature. A minimum tank size of 75 gallons is recommended for a single specimen.
Water Parameters: Prefers slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH range of 6.5-7.5 and a temperature range of 75-82ยฐF (24-28ยฐC).
Diet: Carnivorous; primarily feeds on live or frozen meaty foods such as snails, shrimp, crayfish, and occasionally small fish. They also benefit from hard-shelled prey to help wear down their teeth.
Tank Setup:
Provide plenty of hiding places and structures like caves, driftwood, and plants to create territories and break lines of sight.
Ensure the tank has a secure lid as they are known to jump, especially when startled.
Best kept as solitary fish due to their aggressive nature towards other fish, including conspecifics and different species.
Avoid keeping them with smaller fish or those with long fins that may be seen as prey.
Health Considerations:
Pufferfish are susceptible to certain diseases and require excellent water quality and regular maintenance to thrive.
Monitor their teeth growth and provide hard-shelled foods to prevent dental issues.
Overall, Tetraodon schoutedeni is prized for its unique appearance and personality. However, they require careful consideration and specialized care due to their aggressive nature and specific dietary needs. Providing a suitable environment and diet will help ensure their health and well-being in captivity.
Tetraodon schoutedeni Puffer
Tetraodon schoutedeni, commonly known as the Schouteden’s puffer or the humpback puffer, is a species of freshwater pufferfish native to Central Africa
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